The Dreamshare Seer

Partners, Supporters, Allies and Friends

Arts Council England

The Dreamshare Seer is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England. 

Arts Council England is the national development agency for creativity and culture. It champions, develops and invests in artistic and cultural experiences to enrich people’s lives. 

It supports a range of activities across the arts, museums and libraries – from theatre to digital art – reading to dance, music to literature, and crafts to collections. 

Originally set up in 1946, Arts Council England is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. 

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The British Council

Adam Chodzko‘s project in Malaysia was to find out more about Orang Asli indigenous dreaming and how it might be manifested in Malaysian contemporary art and culture.
Learning, through creating an exhibition at Wei-Ling Contemporary, Kuala Lumpur, running workshops, and fieldwork, Chodzko was able to apply aspects of this knowledge into The Dreamshare Seer. This series of approaches, used different dream structures in order to consider experiences of place, identity, representation and communication as well as to attempt to address a colonial gaze.
Some of the amazing people he encountered in Malaysia are now guiding this project: see our About page!

Thanks to Lim Wei-Ling, along with Lim Siew Boon, Mikhail Vanan, Noel Tan & P-Y  at Wei-Ling Gallery.
And to Erica Choong and Florence Lambert from the British Council.

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The Elephant Trust

The Elephant Trust helped fund The Dreamshare Seer.

The Elephant Trust was created in 1975 by Roland Penrose and Lee Miller with a view to develop and improve the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the fine arts in the United Kingdom.

‘To bear in mind at all times an original, inquisitive, open-minded, generous and unshockable approach to art in all its forms with a bias towards the visual arts.’

This injunction, laid down by the original Trustees of The Elephant Trust, embodies the spirit of its founders, Roland Penrose and Lee Miller, and remains the cornerstone of the Trust’s policy today.

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Leeds Beckett University

The Dreamshare Seer, as an artwork, as research, is a major component of Adam Chodzko‘s practice-led visual art research project for his PhD at Leeds School of Arts at Leeds Beckett University,
(2023 – 2026).

With particular thanks to Professor Simon Morris, Professor Christian Bök and Dr Mathieu Copeland.

Leeds School of Arts is also assisting The Dreamshare Seer project through supervising its ethical considerations, its data management and risk assessments, etc.
With special thanks to Dr Ben Dalton.

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Julie Bradshaw

Julie Bradshaw is an artist based on the Isle of Sheppey, Kent. Julie runs the art education programme for Elmley prison, Isle of Sheppey and is advising us on ways we might offer The Dreamshare Seer to communities in prison, and local people affected by the justice system.

Oliver Edwards and Charlotte Cook

Oliver Edwards and Charlotte Cook are Sheppey-based social media influencers and community connectors, working with Sheppey FM, Sheerness Carnival and many other local organisations. They run The UK Wolfpack and Night Jaguars Arts.

Sheppey Matters

Sheppey Matters is an award winning health and well-being registered charity working together with the regeneration of the Isle of Sheppey, Kent. Established in 1994, it provides over 12 health and well-being community services from the Healthy Living Centre in Sheerness, two outreach locations in Eastchurch and many other community venues around the Isle of Sheppey.

Many of our projects are household names; The Community Chef, Sheppey Wheels & Sheppey Community Media Centre are our most established. Our projects cover a wide range of ages and abilities and are fully inclusive. Our dedicated, hard-working and passionate team of over 29 full and part time staff, ably assisted by over 70 volunteers and not forgetting a fully involved and community minded board of trustees, provides year-round activities, programmes, courses, trips and general advice and assistance.

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Screen South

As part of their Showcase Artists awards Screen South gave technical support and funding to help the creation of two Dreamshare Seer videos by Adam Chodzko:
The Island’s Collective Dream (2025), and A Guide for The Dreamshare Seer (2025).

Based in Folkestone, Kent. Screen South is a cultural development organisation with digital creativity at its heart.

“We ensure our strategic activity underpins access, promotion and skills and that these are supported at the best possible level. We work with partners across a range of digital and creative projects in arts, heritage and on screen. We have a drive to bring hidden stories, talent and ideas to the public gaze and back that up by nurturing good relationships with people and partners locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. We focus on nurturing a diverse range of new talent with training and progression as well as generating new productions, showcases and exhibitions.”

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With huge thanks to:

From the Isle of Sheppey, Swale and Medway, Kent:

Chris Reed: Rose Street Cottage of Curiosities

Jenny Hurkett: The Criterion Blue Town

Swale Creative Schools Network (part of Swale Cultural Education Partnership)

Shannon Cole and Sheppey Is Ours.

Christine Locke: Diversity House

Tracy Brunt: Ideas Test

Samuel Taylor and Jon Davis: Cement Fields

Nicole Mollett

Lindsay Seers


With huge thanks for their proof reading, editing, advice, guidance, beta testing, patience etc:
Aziza Kilmister, Gemma Hunt, Nicola Waghorn, Phil Crowder, Shannon Cole, Chris Reed, Julie Bradshaw, Oliver Edwards, Charlotte Cook.

Jeannette Mageo, Rosa Woolf Ainley, Stan Grenier, Sue Jones, Steven Bode, Mike Jones, Lindsay Seers, Peter Hatton, Rosie Clark, Martin Clark, Gretchen Egolf, Seth Barnard Chodzko, Clay Barnard Chodzko.

        A woman is sleeping on a sofa in a living room. she wears a floral pink dress.A hole is puncturing the celluloid 35mm film that this image is made from. The image is by artist, Adam Chodzko and is part of his "sleeper.hole" ongoing series 2012 onwards.
“Sleepers.Hole” (2012 – ), Adam Chodzko

        Dream description that generated this "production still" : The old swimming pool at Shellness near Leysdown is filled with a blue powder that seemed to be moving slowly as though alive. I was a pollen, someone told me, and slowly rising out of the pool and into the sky. A herd of goats that surrounded the pool were slowly turning this blue colour. I decided i needed to go into the pool myself so began to descend the ladder at the side of the pool. I was wearing a white suit because i thought this would then show up what the powder did better. A nightclub was next to it and sometimes people would come out and watch what i was doing. One of them asked if I wanted their Twix.
Dreamt by winter-art-5210 on 13 February 2024

        A forest floor at night, showing a dark, powdery, red pigmented, dry earth, and a circular pool of blood.
Dreamt by ash-nettle-2639 (No:18) 31 Jan.

        Two people sleeping in the backseat of a car. they are both sitting and the head of one person is resting on the shoulder of the other..A hole is puncturing the celluloid 35mm film that this image is made from. The image is by artist, Adam Chodzko and is part of his "sleeper.hole" ongoing series 2012 onwards.
“Sleepers.Hole” (2012 – ), Adam Chodzko

        A futuristic cabin. From the dream; I was talking to my friend Maria. We were in a very modern looking cabin in a foresty landscape that looked quite german.
A futuristic cabin – Dreamt by sorrel-oak-5071. Dec.’23

        A person is sleeping with the blankets pulled down, covering their eyes.A hole is puncturing the celluloid 35mm film that this image is made from. The image is by artist, Adam Chodzko and is part of his "sleeper.hole" ongoing series 2012 onwards.
“Sleepers.Hole” (2012 – ), Adam Chodzko

        a green moss with a hand touching it. From the dream description; I was talking to my friend Maria. We were in a very modern looking cabin in a foresty landscape that looked quite german. We walked up a ladder in the cabin and onto the roof.
A dream about becoming moss. Dreamt by sorrel-oak-5071. Dec.’23

        A large group of people all sleeping in the interior of a bus..A hole is puncturing the celluloid 35mm film that this image is made from. The image is by artist, Adam Chodzko and is part of his "sleeper.hole" ongoing series 2012 onwards.
“Sleepers.Hole” (2012 – ), Adam Chodzko

        I am alone and I am having to walk through a lot of gooey, moist stuff on the floor or ground of a big open space. The stuff on the floor is white and creamy and maybe with some kernels of sweetcorn in. 2. 2ebe4a13 by beacon-firefly-1286
Lost out in the snow. Dreamt by Leaved-Flax-5023; Jan’24