The Dreamshare Seer

In the dark

Dear Sheppey, do you ever dream you’re in the dark? I can’t remember having a dream set at night-time or in darkness, so I was interested to see this dream description by spurrey-silverweed-1600. Our dreamer is walking home in the dark from Barton’s Point and is watching car headlights passing by. The headlights seem to be floating in a ghostly way, though our dreamer seems to find this intriguing rather than frightening.

The AI visualisation does a pretty good job of depicting the dream in darkness. Some of the scenes are set during the day, but the scenes set at night are atmospheric and quite beautiful. We see a wooden signpost pointing in all directions lit by the headlights of a car, mysterious lights in the inky blackness and what looks to me like a car in a darkened living room. One scene, shown to us from a drone’s-eye-view, shows a sort of maze picked out with lights – a good visual metaphor for our dreamer’s description of trying to find their way home and feeling lost.

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