The Dreamshare Seer

A dream visualisation project with the Isle of Sheppey

A free digital tool that uses generative AI to translate our sleeping dream descriptions into visual animations, creating a collective dream cloud.

Everyone is welcome to explore the Isle of Sheppey’s dreams and to create and privately view the visualisations of their own dreams.
Residents and visitors to the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, are also able to share their dream visualisations publicly by exhibiting them anonymously in our Dream Cloud and Dream Library.

The Dreamshare Seer is also an artwork, a dream archive, an exhibition and a pioneering community citizen science experiment, informed by indigenous knowledge.

4 young white people sitting and sleeping on a bus in muted light and mainly blue and green colours. A woman and man in the foreground share a pillow between them. A hole is puncturing the celluloid 35mm film that this image is made from. The hole appears to be in, because it coincides with, the back of the deep green seat the woman is sleeping on. The hole appears to be letting in bright light from the other side of this image.
A collaged / montaged 'dream like' rich colour image showing a mixture of aerial views of the Isle of Sheppey's marshes and fields, various caravan parks, and Sheerness docks. Clouds float over the island and a bright sea surround it. Despite it being daylit in some places a starry night is shown in the upper left of the image. In Black and White a white man and woman are shown sleeping. It is as though they are dreaming the island below them. Or perhaps that the island dreams them? The picture is by artist Adam Chodzko. (2023)
Bottom: Sleepers (Adam Chodzko, 2016) | Top: Sheppey’s Dream Ecology (Adam Chodzko 2023)

Open to residents and visitors to the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, UK, to share their nocturnal dream descriptions anonymously and see them transformed into visualisations exhibited in the Dream Cloud and the Dream Library.

Or, if you’re based anywhere else in the world, you’re welcome to explore Sheppey’s dreams and to trial this tool with your own dreams too.

Either way, it’s free. Please register to begin the process!

Viewer Discretion Advised

The dream has been flagged as potentially Not Safe For Work (NSFW) and may contain material that is offensive or upsetting. Please click the button below to confirm you still wish to view the content. Your selection will be remembered for future dreams.

I am aged 18+, I understand & wish to view

Please be aware that the dreams showcased here are user-submitted and feature AI-generated visuals. While we do our best to identify and warn about potentially unsettling content, if you find any material distressing, we encourage you to seek support on our Getting Help & Support page.
